Surveys are helpful, but the problem is that they measure things “after the fact.” The customer is already not happy or employees are already feeling poorly about the company.
The alternative to this traditional way of measuring things is to look at the differences in perception (or Gaps).
The Gap Assessment process shifts the emphasis from opinions to communicating what you see. A company is either responsive to customer complaints in an employee’s eyes or it isn’t. The senior management team is either walking their talk or they aren’t. Employees are generally supportive of one another or they are not.
In each case, a personal opinion has not been asked for; a person’s view of things. It may seem like semantics but the distinction is huge. While many could argue the subtle differences between opinions versus viewpoints, the biggest factor that needs consideration (and needs to be conveyed to the employees who participate in this process) is your or your organization’s intention.
A Gap Assessment does not ask any questions; rather it is a series of statements that individuals respond Yes or No to, anonymously.