We Specialize in 5-Minute Assessments for Organizations...
- That Prove Knowledge Is Power – and Is Essential!
- That Save Time and Money!!
- That Quickly Indentify the Top 3 Essential Problems to Solve!!!
A gap assessment is not a climate survey. It is a coaching tool constructed in the form of statements.
There are no questions. Participants complete online, on any device. Anonymously.
The assessment measures the differences in perceptions of employees and managers.
Leaders can immediately see where employees are not on the same page with managers.
Without finding blame or fault, (or forming committees) leaders can quickly address and close perception gaps.
The fewer the gaps, the better an organization is positioned to dominate their market.
You can’t control opinions
but you can influence perceptions!

We provide...
Team Gap Assessments On Demand
Insightful - Intuitive - Anonymous
Taken on any Device

How to Market and Sell Gap Assessments
Learn how before you buy - view our Free Guide
See Available Packages Here
Assign slots to clients as you choose
Our Tools

Individual Assessments
For individuals, a gap is simply the difference between where you are and where you'd like to be. Access a free assessment for personal use or to use with your clients.

Organizational Assessments
For an organization, a gap is the difference between what you, as a leader, see and what others in your organization see.
Is Your Team On the Same Page?
Gap assessment are not surveys. There are no questions.
Employees indicate what the see or don’t see regarding vital areas of an organization —
leadership, communications, business systems, customer service, and more.
You can’t control opinions but you can influence perceptions!
Our library of assessments are ready to be delivered on demand.
Anonymous and delivered on any device – smart phone, tablet, or computer.
Our online assessments identify perception Gaps in your organization.
Our Mission
To Bring People Closer Together.
To help teams and organizations be more effective, more unified, and more confident.
To provide assessment tools that quickly and simply help leaders see what they’re missing.
Clearly See Perception Gaps In Your Organization
Sometimes the hardest things to see are right in front of us.
Our assessments help organizations see where Perception Gaps exist within their teams.
√ Simplified Feedback
√ Actionable Steps
√ Results that mean something